An Extrovert’s Guide to Card Distribution

Extroverts, you know who you are (and so does everyone else). You tend to be talkative, sociable, active, and warm, the life of the party and often the one to get the party started. You aren't shy and you LOVE to interact with others. Since you feel energized by the external world and social interactions, enticing people into a democratic way of life will be easy! So go on and get out there and change some hearts and minds.

The Event in a Park Party: art fairs, concerts, food fairs, circuses, and sunny days with a whole bunch of people at the park
For an extrovert, the crowded event in the park is a gift from heaven. Here you get to wander, stop, and chat with anyone willing to listen. The trick is to engage long enough (a few minutes) with an individual or group before you hand out cards. Ask them simple questions about themselves; let them talk for a bit before you do. This is a Marketing 101 basic: Let others talk and you listen. Repeat back the positive things you hear. When the moment feels right—usually when a real connection has gently ignited—reach into your bag, pull out a few cards, and hand them around.

As you get ready to walk away, say something like “Take a look at this and think about it. If you want to learn more about what's on the card, I’ll be wandering around here all afternoon or you can write to the email on the card. Have a great afternoon.” If someone calls you back, answer the questions you can and, for those you can’t, refer them to the email and QR code on the card.

Don’t ever make up an answer: the campaign will lose credibility and so will you. And remember to have fun. This shouldn’t feel like a chore; if it does, you won’t engage easily and you might get grumpy. When that happens, it’s time to take a break or stop for the day.


The Park Party method is also excellent for:

  • Food courts: They’re in malls all over America.

  • Boat and car shows: You can simply walk through, hand cards out, and chat with anyone who wants to.

  • State and county fairs: Park Party atmosphere through and through, so you know what to do.

  • A local city council meeting: Stand outside the exit door and hand one to everyone exiting. Chat folks up if they are willing.

  • Parades: Walk around and offer cards and conversation. July 4th parades will be excellent places to hand out cards. (But not at the fireworks later: too dark and you will annoy people.)

  • Farmers’ markets and Oktoberfests: These are places for extroverts to shine!

And last of all . . .

A Trump Campaign rally happening near you.
(Kidding, but how marvelous to turn a MAGA around.)

Each card will have a QR code linking to the website and source material.

As always, if you need help or a question answered, write

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