What’s at Stake for You in Election 2024?

No matter who you are or what you are concerned about, you need the facts so you can decide which candidate’s views and plans best match the results you want.

Our mission is simple.

We believe a free and fair election requires that all potential voters have the facts in hand. Without facts, we can’t make good decisions about our lives, the lives of those under our care, and all the things we value.

We are creating a series of two-sided cards that will present verified facts about how the two main presidential candidates address issues that concern all Americans. We are sharing the templates for these cards so you can print or have them printed and then distribute them in your town.

In this way, we can reach voters all over the country.

We are an all-volunteer grassroots team dedicated to this mission.

Exploring the truth together, combating misinformation

It’s not just the Russians and Chinese spreading misinformation. The bad actor pool includes Americans working against democracy and attempting an authoritarian takeover of this country. These bad actors—along with the Chinese and Russian troll farms and misinformation mills—are spreading lies so quickly that it seems almost impossible to combat them. Yet we must get the truth out there.

So how can we combat so much misinformation? 

The good news: many of us are doing something about it. The Card Campaign has come to life and is spreading facts across the country. For the important concerns most Americans have, we research the relevant information about how the two main candidates worked with those concerns in the past and what they say they will do in the futureWe then post the facts on two-sided cards, one side for each candidate. These cards are not meant to be mailed; they are pass-along and pick-one-up cards. 

These are facts. They are verifiable. You can check them yourself via the QR code on each card, which will take you to the sources. There is no disputing them, despite the misinformation that may have come your way in the past

Verified Sources

We have checked our facts with care.

Some come from articles by established journalists who are fact-checked by their newspapers.

Some facts are verified by published information in databases Click below for more information on the process and read the verified facts for each card.


Funding Update: as of 6 am Wednesday, March 6th, we have raised $3,115!!!

Our goal is met, no further donations are needed at this time. Your generous support is funding this website. We thank you all for helping to make this happen.
